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  • Vrana detektor bezdrôtového skla FW2-GBD

Vrana detektor bezdrôtového skla FW2-GBD

Two Way Wireless Glass Break Detector

Detection range up to 12m (40ft). Up to 5 years Lithium battery lifetime. High quality ASIC controlled solid state wireless detector 868/916.5 MHz. Front and back tamper protection. Unique sensitivity and digital processing for best detection performance. High false alarm immunity. Wide range of surface protection including doors, glass surface and surrounds, safes, gun cabinets etc.

How can you use a wireless device or sensor with FLEXi SP3 smart alarm control panel?

RF-SH wireless expander interface

By connecting a TRIKDIS RF-SH wireless expander interface you can use the "classic" wired alarm system as a hybrid or wireless. Comes handy when you have no option to lay wires and need wireless sensors or other equipment.


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